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In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, the need for everyone to record their contacts at corporate functions, entertainment events and sporting fixtures is mandated by the Government. Alongside this is a requirement to maintain those details safely and securely for 21 days to support Track and Trace. You are also required to have all your staff and visitors complete a Covid-19 self-assessment prior to attending or participating in an event.
Finally, all attendees should be made aware of the increased risk associated with any event. All this while being compliant with the requirements for General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
The risks associated with cybercrime and identity theft are real
and increasing and the penalties for failure excessive.

       So before you have your first event, you must be compliant with the above, how to record the information in a simple and clear fashion, keep it safe and secure and make it available to the authorities in a timely fashion on request – How do you plan to do that, pen and paper and Excel?

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Key Requirements

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport have three key requirements for the organisers of sports events as cited below:

Activity organisers should support track and trace efforts by collecting written information on participants at both individual training sessions and all matches. This must be detailed enough to allow NHS Test and Trace to contact all participants if a player becomes ill with COVID-19. These records must be kept for 21 days.

       All players, officials, volunteers and spectators must undergo a self-assessment for any COVID-19 symptoms. No-one should leave home to participate in sport if they, or someone they live with, has symptoms of COVID -19 currently recognised as any of the following:

• A high temperature

• A new, continuous cough

• A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste


Participants will be made aware of any increased risk associated with taking part in activity, based on the assessment undertaken by the governing body. They should also be strongly advised to comply with public health restrictions and avoid high-risk behaviour outside the sports setting to reduce the risk to their fellow participants when they do attend.


Guidance : Return to recreational team sport framework DCMS Maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace



Contactless, simple solution, allows registration in advance and on the day.

• Standard template

• Contact details

• Health questionnaire

• Supplementary Information pages

• Statements of Risk Assessment

• Rules on one-way circulation, hand cleansing etc.

• Data Management

• Safe and secure in servers in the European           

   Economic Area

• Admin portal with full access

• Full SSL encryption

• Privacy Policy

• GDPR Compliant


Full customisation can be made available with sufficient notice, including branding and unique messaging.


How it works


Based on a QR code exclusive to your event

1. Sent by email and can be printed on laminated posters at access points

2. Staff and visitors scan code using a smart phone

3. They are taken to a secure page where they fill in their details for Track and Trace

4. Privacy Policy is visible for review

5. Read and accept any supplementary instructions as required

6. Complete the Health screening questionnaire



They are now free to attend the event and participate, you are compliant with the government requirements.
The data can be downloaded if required to supply to Track and Trace 21 days after the termination of the event,
the information will be deleted, and confirmation supplied to the organiser by email.




We can also offer season or annual packages on request.

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