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Cloud computing has rocked the world of IT with software as a service, according to recent research, the Software-as-a-Service market globally is poised to achieve a CAGR of 21.1% through 2023, although now moving even faster with the digitisation of solutions driven by the current pandemic. This is completely changing how businesses manage their infrastructure and software. Now, we can offer a new development, known as Solution
as a Service. It too is geared to drastically impact how organisations operate across a wide range of services.


What is Solution as a Service?

Solution as a Service is a new concept. The first tier is infrastructure as a service, where third-party providers host computing resources. The next step is platform as a service, in which a third-party provides a platform upon which organisations can manage, run, or build web applications. Next up is software as a service, which allows organisations to access software through the cloud.














Solution as a Service is a step beyond, it provides you with the hardware, software, and knowledge necessary
to manage effectively. Solution as a Service is, as the name implies, a complete solution. Its simplified subscription service empowers organisations with a comprehensive support team, taking the worry and stress out of management.



What are the Benefits of Solution as a Service?


Cost Effective

With Solution as a Service, organisations pay a set monthly fee for the entire solution. Instead of paying multiple vendors or trying to manage part of the solution in-house, you only have one bill to pay. The contractual nature of the subscription also allows organisations to budget for the monthly expense—with no hidden fees or unexpected IT support charges.


Reduced Risk

Solution as a Service mitigates risk, rather than investing time and money into a new solution, only to have major headaches with the technology, you can change, upgrade, downgrade or cancel your Solution as a Service — at any time (within reason). This can bolster your organisation’s confidence, knowing you are not locked into any single technology. With the increasingly short lifecycle for technology, you can also be assured that you will not be investing heavily into technology that will soon become obsolete.



Medical facilities are never stagnant, so why should their solutions be? Your Solution as a Service provider will only charge you for what you need. You will not have to guess what your needs will be in five years; you can simply select the option that fits your current needs and adjust as your requirements change.



Because we are in control of the entire solution, you can be confident that the technology will be professionally managed. The support team that stands behind the solution is one of the greatest benefits of selecting a Solution as a Service option. IT support is included in your monthly subscription, so you will not have to employ an entire tech-support team in-house. This also prevents the expensive charges associated with outsourcing tech support on an as-needed basis.

       Reduce the stress associated with implementing new IOT technology. Instead, you can put your trust in a Total Solution from us. Our intimate knowledge of these technologies allows us to completely manage the solution, while your organisation pays a simple monthly subscription that is tailored to fit your needs. Solution as a Service is truly a revolutionary idea, poised to change how you can manage your new technology needs.

Why you need Solution as a Service:

When it comes to new technology solutions, the new approach brings with it these benefits:

  • Single point of contact

  • Ongoing management and maintenance

  • Increased speed-to-value

  • Reduced project risk

  • Cost certainty

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