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Hand Wash/





In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, the need for everyone to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly has become more apparent than ever. This is even more critical for those that work in food retailing, restaurant, hospitality and supply chains 



Staff well-being is critical to your business operations, driving best practice hygiene behaviors protects them along with your customers

The ability to monitor staff compliance with washing and sanitizing hands during the working day demonstrates your commitment to their safety

It can be implemented in the workplace to reduce the risk and ensure the health and safety of your teams



These measures demonstrates corporate responsibility and awareness of the new paradigm and reporting on your initiatives becomes a differentiator 

Reassuring your customers that robust measures exist that will ensure their health and that of your staff





  1. Issue staff a (UHF - RFID) label or sticker
    to attach to existing ID or fix to a separate supplied badge (can be customised).

  2. Locate scanner at each washing/hygiene facility.

  3. Set Up Badge ID in software and associate with scanner.

  4. Badge is read every time the team member stands in front of the scanner for a proscribed time.




Mounted Unit-1.png
Multi-level reporting
  1. Report on overall washes/day on-site per label

  2. Time spent at wash station per visit

  3. Information can be consolidated across multiple sites

  4. Transfer anonymised data to existing access control/HR system

  5. Link to employee API interface is the Client Responsibility


No personal data stored in the cloud, so no GDPR challenge



Why Hand Wash/Sanitisation monitoring? â€‹
  • Customer confidence in your focus on addressing hygiene in the workplace â€‹

  • Provide demonstrable reporting on staff compliance with government and company guidelines​

  • Help drive employee healthcare best practice in a non-intrusive way​

  • Share key metrics to customers and management on compliance to specific policies protecting against the spread of COVID-19​

  • Consolidated reporting across multiple sites
    or entities​



Equipment Options​
1. Installation of integrated scanner
and hydrogel dispenser​

Unit includes an electronic dispenser with a sensor that detects the presence of the user’s hands to 
automatically dispense soap or hydrogel. It also 
includes an RFID reader and antenna that reads 
the RFID card of the user’s badge to identify 
the user​.

2. Installation of stand-alone scanner​

Simple RFID scanner unit mounted over sink/wash space to record time and duration of handwashing visit. Reads RFID card and writes to software via ethernet connection​


Both require Power over Ethernet (PoE) connection for data and power which can be combined for multi-site solutions​


Cost Structure​

Complete Sanitisation Unit​​ and/or​​ Simple Scanner ​


Software​ Charges will be applied per device or per site depending on agreed structure​




Note: PoE connection not included​


Options to finance using Solution as a Service (SolaaS) are available to avoid Capex investment.

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